

  • MFP tells me I should be taking 1200 calories daily as well (more if I work out). However, I found I just wasnt losing any weight with that amount of caloric intake. So, I upped my cal's to about 1400-1500 daily and am now steady shedding the LB's. I think its just because everyone's body is different. Some people are able…
  • Congrats and thanks for inspiration! :)
  • Not sure what your goals are exactly but bodybuilding.com has some great fitness guides http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/jamie-eason-livefit-trainer.html this one by Jamie Eason I really like. She gives you complete weekly workout schedules, meal plans, shopping lists, supplement info, and videos. good luck!
  • I'm in too...I'm just now returning to MFP and decided to actually use it this time!! I started my goal to lose 25 lbs in January and so far im down 5. I'm currently deployed overseas and coming home in April, so I would like to lose about 8 lbs by Mar 1. Feb 1 - 147 lbs