

  • Yeah, I probably only weigh myself about once or twice a year also. I generally work on the principle of how comfortable you feel in your clothes and your overall improved mental attitude from being healthy (so a bit of a different measure of success) :-)
  • Great muscle tone! A looking young!
  • I always do bad on weekends too. I just joined and I thought I'd automatically have self-control last weekend, but I let loose. I think you can slowly cut back on alcohol after a while and just ensure you keep motivated throughout the week. It's not such a big issue as you need to live a social, active and happy life…
  • You should really befriend avocado. Try having it in sushi, that's how I began to like it. If not unroasted and unsalted nuts are full of good fats if you need snacking supplements. This is my first post, yay! :)