

  • I'm in the same boat. I'll have breakfast at 6:30 (usually cereal), snack at 10 (apple and a handful of almonds) and then lunch by 11:30. By this time I level off and I usually make it home with plenty of room for dinner. For some reason I eat half my calories in the first 5 hours. It's working for me though so I can't…
  • I'll remember these words. I know what you mean about the switch. I don't know what tripped mine. I think it was seeing over 250 on the scale and realizing I needed to lose 20% of my body weight.
  • Great job. I am going through the same thing. Although I love the feel of my pants being too big, I was told by my wife that having to cinch my belt down to size made me look like a hobo. A couple pair of intermediate pants will make you look thinner and be greatly appreciated lightly used if you give the charity when your…