

  • I tried to reply to yours specifically, but didn't quite know what I was doing, I just put a response to this near the bottom!
  • I would also suggest slowing down your pace when you're beginning running. It took me a long time to figure that out. I had never been a runner, and the first time I ran twenty minutes straight it was because I took it really really slow. I listened to slow and steady music and told myself not to run faster than I could…
  • It is so awesome to read everyone's posts! I have been a runner for almost two years and have recently started really incorporating yoga into my exercise routine. I have noticed such a difference in my running, it is unbelievable! I don't have to focus on my posture or breath as much as I used to. I used to constantly be…
  • Always looking for support and friends!!
  • I have been following the paleo diet pretty closely (well let me say, Monday-Friday lunch haha) and I have dropped about eight pounds and been able to stay eight pounds lighter with ease! I get all of my carbs from from fruits and veggies. I try to stay under 100g of carbs a day, and try to get my protein up to about 125g.…
  • I use spotify! When I run I need something a little more calming to get me in the right mind set and keep my breathing in check. I usually go for things like Iron and Wine and Bon Iver For when I do more intense cardio and am just looking to burn calories I like to go for more upbeat and funky... things like Passion Pit,…
  • I looked through these a little bit, but then just decided to post for fun! Age: 22 Height: 5'7 HW: 170 ish...(In high school) CW: 160 LW: 129 (again in high school- but for my body that was very unhealthy) and in college has been about 149 GW: 140-145
  • HI! I try to log daily... that doesn't always happen, but have recently recommitted! Would love new friends to help motivate and be motivated by!! Feel free to add me :)
  • Hi!! Im 21, technically a senior in college, but I'll probably stick around a little longer :) Would also love more friends for encouragement and tips!
  • Also looking for more friends :)
  • Hey everyone! Along with others I'm so happy to have found this group! I'm a super active college student and usually eat pretty healthy... I'm within my healthy weight range but would just love to look fit and strong! Would love more mfp friends for extra support and encouragement!
  • I'm 21! Always been a yoyo dieter. I set big goals, reach them, then slowly watch my weight creep back up. Not overweight, but would like to finally make a lifestyle change rather than loosing and gaining 15lbs a few times a year!