SassyLass Member


  • YES! I am not hungry. I guess my mouth and brain want some food to munch on, but my stomach says - ENOUGH! I guess I should say it is more psychological.
  • My first Zumba class was - ummm - I survived!! I enjoyed the music and really felt self-conscious at first because I couldn't keep up until I looked around and found others not going "full-speed". Kali (the instructor) told me before starting - just keep moving on those segments that I felt I couldn't do. Come the next…
  • I am stepping out of an ingrained comfort zone to try a Zumba class tomorrow morning at 5:30 am. I am nervous. I am self-conscious, but these posts are amazing and its time I did something for me. First class is free and then I can see about more classes or purchase the set to have at home - between classes. I think I need…