

  • So hilarious - I hear that! Stiff and sore, mostly in my sides and lower back. But dare I say I feel/see *slight* definition in my arms? Possibly wishful thinking. I went off the wagon last night out with girlfriends. They had queso, people! Not fair. Going to have to try to burn that off with additional workouts this…
  • Haha, thanks Angie! :smile: Just wondering, are any of you supplementing RI30 with other activities? Am debating whether to continue running/yoga/cycling on some days in addition to this, but don't want to overdo it and burn out. Part of me feels the calorie burn isn't enough with only 30 mins of exercise (I record it as…
  • I'm in! I just started RI30 last night, and had to fit in today's workout this morning. I'm used to a combo of running and yoga with rest days in between, so working out with weights while still sore is a new challenge for me. But I'm getting married in a month, so am determined to keep up with it. :smile: