lyntwhit Member


  • I'm working on this vest: and this shawl: The Lolita vest is going very fast and will be a great thing to wear at any size I happen to be, I hope! -Lynneth
  • Interesting. I hadn't heard this before. I've seen all the media about how bad regular soft drinks are, but not so much about the diet sodas. Personally, I've been trying to drink more water lately. I still have a diet soda every once in a while though.
  • I already had it switched to "on" for zombie chases. I switched it off and then on again and will see what happens.
  • I read somewhere that you have to improve your pace by 20% to be able to not be caught by zombies when they're chasing you. I totally love this app. It's gotten me off my couch and out walking more than I have in a very long time! Speaking of the zombies that chase you, so far I haven't really run into that - maybe because…
  • I'll have to check that one out! I've listened to some audio knitting podcasts and checked out some video podcasts too, but haven't found any that really grab me. Are there any audio podcasts on knitting you'd recommend? -Lynneth
  • Love this app! Just got it a few days ago and it's gotten my couch-potato butt off the couch and out walking. What a clever idea for an app!
  • beautiful scarf!
  • Art Yarns Silk Rhapsody Glitter! Beautiful with Art Yarns Mohair Splash. I knit a shawl for myself using both and was really happy with the result. The yarn was a present from my hubby. More than I'd spend myself on yarn... :-)
  • 12oclockbroccoli
  • I'd recommend "Circle Socks" by Anne Campbell. Here's the link on Ravelry: It's a simple, but really unique pattern. I keep this knitting in the car so that I'll always have something to knit on hand. I'm working on a variegated pink pair. I'm 13oclockbroccoli on…