LolaGotThin Member


  • Just use your willpower. I noticed that after a few weeks of not caving, most of my cravings went away. Then my TOM turned up and I gave in to a teeny bag of Salt and Vinegar potato chips but that was it, I swear! :> Little indulgences aren't bad. Just don't consistently binge or cave.
  • I take multivitamins (not really what you're going for, I know) and some other supplements I got from my gym. I know it's probably a ploy but I took the bait anyways since the stuff was on sale. I use a fat release and carb repel. So far, I feel like it has made a tiny difference, but it could be my head. I don't use like,…
  • I'm pretty sure I am going to spend the rest of life dying with laughter at the crap my husband says/does. He's hilarious. This is half the reason why I fell so in love with him!
  • I was a member and it was a nightmare. I'm sure other people have really great experiences and truly love it but I hated it. I had a trainer who told me to get motivated by telling my husband to tell me I'm fat. Plus, she had serious saddlebags. Another trainer insisted on having me do exercises that exacerbated my back…
  • Wasn't it like you were cheated?? After plowing through a couple hundred pages of other crap? And poor kitten. :<
  • I'm sure it's been said several times already, but the Twilight saga. My mom bought the set for me as a gift and I was reading it along with two other friends who LOVED it. I just...I couldn't get past the crappy writing and the crappy plotlines and the crappy minutiae and the crappy character development. It was just.…
  • 16 and counting.
  • Jac, that sounds like a really good idea. I think I might do that. Thanks guys for sharing your own stories and listening (well, reading). <3
  • I had a pop-tart last night. I just really wanted one and I decided I deserved it and my husband agreed. Still lost half a pound since Monday though! Indulgence is okay in moderation. :)
  • I'm 5' on the nose and I work out 3-5 times a week (usually 3) and am on a low calorie diet set at 1300 a day. I try to replace my "old" choices with healthier ones. Multigrain bread instead of white, edamame instead of chips, whole wheat tortillas for my quick fix quesadillas, stuff like that. So far, it appears to be…
  • Seeing 200 on the scale at my doctor's office. On a 5' frame, that's way too much weight and I'd been in denial about my body for a while. So I got up and got a gym membership and here I am, about 2 months later and 15 pounds lighter! :>
  • I might not eat them ALL back, but I eat back some, as long as I'm hungry. And I'm losing about 2 pounds a week.
  • When I got on the scale at my doctor's office and it said 200. :< I actually went home and cried. BUT. The next day I got a gym membership and downloaded the MFP app, threw out all the crappy foods I was eating, and started changing everything!
  • Used to do it once a week on Mondays, but since joining challenges, I do it twice a week.
  • I grew up on stuff like this. :P My grandma was Japanese.
  • I drink a lot of water but I let myself have one glass of either skim milk or Simply Apple juice a day. If I really want something sweet, I'll add a packet of Crystal Light to my water. :)
  • Personally, if it's natural sugar, I don't really worry about it. I'm trying to stay away from refined, processed sugar. So anything natural I'm okay with.
  • I'll try it but my Asian-ness may not be satisfied. :P
  • My friend's nutritionist said if you use sugar, it should be as close to unprocessed as possible. Using pure honey and things like that are better than sweeteners, even if they're naturally derived. If that makes sense. :> Said friend is an Olympian rower.
  • No, I'm THRILLED to see them go!! I've been a DD since high school and they just get bigger and harder to handle when I've gained all this weight. I've noticed that they're a teeny bit smaller since I've started working out (yay). When I was at my smallest, I was a D cup and that was amazing. I have having all this extra…
  • So far, they work for me when I'm home by myself and I don't feel like cooking. I'm not a great cook anyways, so having one of these and popping them in the microwave does the trick.
  • 24. Man. I wish I was still 18. lol
  • Cut out soda, period. I'm just saying I've seen a big difference in myself since going to just water. If I need something sweet, I add either some Crystal Light (not often, I'm trying to not use anything with aspertame) or I drink fruit juice (real juice). For me, it's switching out one thing at a time that's helping!…
  • I have the same thoughts sometimes. A lot of times haha. But I don't stress too much about it. Stressing (I have heard) can make you hang on to fat. I have heard. I prefer to believe it and not stress. :D Every day, I try to focus on something new that I'm seeing that I like. For instance. Today, I have collar bones. A few…
  • Shooting for 70, just a little over 60 left to go. :<
  • I found this site that uses body types to classify what you should look like/weigh. There is ectomorph, which are naturally skinny, can't easily gain weight; mesomorphs, who can lose weight fairly easily by exercise and a good diet; and endomorphs, who are predisposed to have a lot of body fat and for whom it's very…
  • I don't know what's motivating her but you will be able to indulge if or when the desire strikes you. She will not. My stepfather had gastric bypass and if he eats sweets or too much, he is in agony as he is unable to vomit. (Poor guy, he's so nice!) I just feel that by doing it your way (OUR way!) you get to keep that…
  • I don't know if this helps, but when I'm cooking, I scan or search items in and add them as a new recipe. Then all the different components get added in.