
  • 2 hours today.. = 2 hour total :) only 98 gym hours to go :)
  • I am super excited to get this started :) share with your friends.. the more members we get the more money we raise for a great cause :)
  • My Charity is : UNICEF Website: https://secure.unicefusa.org/site/SPageServer?pagename=Donate_General Every day, children die needlessly from preventable causes – and they don't have to. UNICEF takes proven, low-cost methods that save children's lives and makes them available regardless of income, ethnicity, or location.
  • Idaho USA! its been alot warmer this year than in the past. no snow yet, but that will hit mid Jan I am sure... (which is fine by me.. me no likie snow) :)
  • I'm also having the same problem. I have a 6 month old that feeds 1 - 2 times per day (almost always in the evening). I have really found it hard to eat the right things.. and get enough calories to support him eating enough. It's crazy, while i was pregnant.. everything went great.. I gained only about 20 lbs most of…
  • Thanks.. I didn't realize there was an option for breastfeeding in the exercise portion :) I have a 6 month old.. and have really struggled with weight, not as much durring the pregnancy.. .but after. I think I thought that I could just eat whatever, and I would be good to go.. but i'm finding out that I wasn't making the…