NaeSimpson Member


  • 5'4" and 100lbs needs to go away. I can use all the motivation I can get!
  • I agree. My co-worker takes smokes breaks 2-4 times a day for 5 minutes or so. I feel I can hide in the bathroom and stretch or do a few jumping jacks, etc to wake me up. We have a huge hill behind our office and I want to start running up that, but that'll come after I'm back in shape.
  • I feel ya! I used to have a job where I walked a lot and then got a desk job. I'm lucky enough to have fitness-conscience co-workers. We walk at lunch (having someone to talk to and keep you up to speed it great). We have low-cal drinks in the office and when i get bored or start to fall a sleep, I go to the bathroom and…
  • Find a beach body coach or group...even if you don't join fully you can get a free membership and the support is AWESOME! I'm on day 3, day 4 is tonight and they are SO motivational....Good luck!