

  • I'm 5'3" and down to 115! I'm wearing size 4 (27) Levi's…down from a 12!
  • Success!!! I've now gone size 12 to size 4 or 6 jeans, depending upon the style. I'm done! lost 31 pounds and plan on maintaining that FOR GOOD! I have given away all of my old clothes and re-stocked my closet with hot new fashions! I even lost 1/2 a shoe size! Go figure!
  • I'm now down to 127 and everything is size 6!!! Yay!
  • While you are browsing for new Jeans, don't forget to get new bras! I just went from a 36 to a 32!!! Donating my old ones to breast cancer charity that decorates & sells them! Look for one in your area. My WOAMTEC Group collects them.
  • Okay, I'm down to 132 lbs (5'3") and I just bought a new pair of size 8 Levis! That's down from Size 12!!! Yay!
  • I took a picture of my husband and used it on his birthday party invitation. He said that picture was what motivated him to take action. Now we are both on a program together. It's awesome. But the others are right. He has to decide to do it for himself. Maybe you can help find something that motivates him. My husband…
  • I'm 5'3", 150 lbs, Six 12 Levis