

  • Hon I am right there with you!! I gained 20 pounds in 2 months and have had extensive testing. I go to the gym and work out walk everyday and followed a strict diet. Nothing worked. My doctor gave me a clean bill of health, but told me I am 49 years old and going thru menopause which causes your metabolism to all but stop.…
  • According to Dr. Oz, and an article in this weeks Womens world magazine, he said you should try to eat the same thing for breakfast and lunch and have a healthy lo cal dinner. Dr Oz says this repitition will help you make better choices when eating. I have started eating this way on wednesday 1/3/12 and so far eating the…
  • I just did part of my sitting room into a workout room. I put in the interlocking foam type flooring and I love it. I have hard wood floors and it went in so easy, and you can put it under parts of existing furniture ( my couch) with no problem. I can work out on the floor comfortably, and working for a chiropractor I can…
  • I tried the slimfast shakes to jumpstart my diet. I lost about 5 pounds the first week. I still use them for a breakfast or lunch when I am rushed for time and keep them on hand at work. I can't leave work so If I have to work late, this is a great quick "meal".