

  • Please friend request me also! I'm trying to get motivated for exercising!
  • The vaccine only guards against 4 of the many (20+?) strains of HPV. 4 IS BETTER THAN NOTHING! I've gotten 2 out of the 3 shots, and I've had absolutely 0 side effects. My sister has HPV, and has had it for years and has to go through horrible burning of gross things inside of her, and I feel that if there is some way that…
  • LOL I have Hepatitis C and just got a flu shot. I'm on interferon and Ribavirin for the Hepatitis, and I got a skin reaction to the flu shot, but I didn't feel anything from anything, not the shot, not the medicine. Everyone is making a big deal out of nothing. The medication I'm on should make me feel like I want to die,…