

  • Thank you!! I think im going to get Turbo Fire after i complete P90X.. it will be my gift for finishing. This is my second go around..
  • I have a couple... will have to post one of them when i get home its a sweet and spicy one. Theres mustard, honey, red pepper flakes and you pan fry them... The other: Coat chops (boneless) in dijon mustard and a little salt & pepper. Then dip in panko crumbs (brown in the oven first i spray a little Pam olive oil on them…
  • What am awesome group to find!! November 1st is my day to get serious about my nutrition and fitness! And one of the biggest things is to cut back on the Alcohol! It is so nice to see im not only one! Hah! Are any of you guys doing P90x???
  • Ive heard alot of people say Insanity is pretty hard and its good to start off with P90X. Im currently doign P90 and loving it! Will be purchaing Insanity next =) P90X isnt lot of cardio but its amazing how much stronger you become.. I totally reccomend it!