JEYORK2005 Member


  • That is awesome!!! I weighed this morning and I'm down a few pounds from the weekend which is good! I am 5 foot 10 and I feel like my best weight is around 180-185. That's the size I was 2 years ago and I felt great! When I had my girls I was around 250 (190 when I got pregnant) and now I'm 205. I have been this weight…
  • I am so HAPPY that I stumbled on this post! My twins are 7.5 months old and I am 15 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. Since I am staying home now, we really can't afford a gym membership so I have really been struggling. Also, with the exhaustion and working part-time (from home) I have turned to soda, chips, or candy…
  • Hi Everyone!!! I am trying the banana 25 right now and I LOVE it!!!!! I've been having a shake for breakfast and lunch with a mid morning snack (banana or greek yogurt) and a mid-afternoon snack (peanut butter crackers or dried fruit) with a sensible dinner. I am not a big meat eater so this has been a great way for me to…
  • This is the way I look at it ... YOU ARE EXCITED TO LOSE WEIGHT AND IT MAKES YOU HAPPY!!! I weigh much more now that I am losing weight and I enjoy seeing the number go down. If I have gained a pound or so it just motivates me to eat a healthier lunch/dinner. I NEVER get mad at myself for gaining weight (especially since I…
    in Obsessed Comment by JEYORK2005 May 2012
  • Hey Ladies! :happy: It was so wonderful to login and see this topic on my home screen. I am 5'10 like most of you and trying to get healthier and smaller. I weighed 230 lbs at my highest and lost down to 200 lbs before Christmas. That is when I started using MFP and I now weigh 191-192. My short-term goal is 180 and my…
  • Hey Everyone! I am 25 and I gained a lot of weight in college and my first year teaching (60lbs). I have lost 33 pounds in the last year or so by just cutting calories and cutting back on soda, but I want to take it further. My goal right now is to lose 17 pounds. I just bought Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and I am…