

  • Congratulations! I, too, cut out soda first thing and it has helped a LOT. I actually cut out drinking anything on a daily basis except water - and my two cups of coffee. I just can't bring myself to cut out the coffee. I have exceptions, like if I'm at a family get-together and such, I'll sometimes have a soda or other…
  • I hear you on the needing to get out of the house. I'm new to the SAHM thing and I haven't had a moment to myself all week. I took the opportunity to go pick up a package from the post office today just to have some 'me' time. I had a hard day yesterday and it's been bleeding into today no matter how hard I try not to let…
  • I love Rasin Bran Crunch and Frosted Mini-wheats...sigh. Both a bit on the sugary side, so I don't eat them that often.
  • Thank you! My children are still really young. My son is almost 2 and my daughter is only 4.5 months old. I'll take all the support I can get :) ~Sarah