

  • This is something that I, too, struggle with on a regular basis. But I've been pretty open with my friends, family, co-workers about my health related food issues. At first they razzed me for being so "health conscious", but I've stuck with it and now my good habits are rubbing off on them. They're even strict with me…
  • Thank you for sharing. I read your blog post and your story is inspirational! I was curious about the marksdaiilyapple site you mentioned so went and checked it out - amazing! Looking forward to trying some of the recipes.
  • Total flashback! I really thought I'd be older than 30 before seeing some of those items make a comeback! Hey, did anyone remember wearing those "bubble necklaces" with their slap bracelets?!
  • Are you sure you're definitely lactose intolerant and not just allergic to pasturized dairy? Skim milk, ice cream, etc. make me sick too. But I seem to be able to handle raw milk purchased from an organic farm in my neighborhood just fine. Same goes for "raw" cheese. One particular brand I like is Yancy's Fancy XXX Sharp.…