sterphy Member


  • Heyooooo. Tall peeps unite. I am 6 ft and proud of it.
  • Here is my progress, 7 weeks, 16 lbs down.
  • Just wanted to post that I reached my goal of under 200 for Labor Day! 199.4 this morning and it feels so good :)
  • I understand being embarrassed, getting used to the changes you've made for your body is a process. Today I was at the grocery store and got checked out by 2 different guys and was mortified. It's definitely not a bad thing, just new and hopefully something I can get used to. You should be proud of what you've done for…
  • Today I'll stay on track so I can be under 200 for my Labor Day trip to Chicago. Today I'll stay on track because I want to be glowing, not growing :-)
  • Quote for truth!! Got dumped 7 weeks ago, have been working out & eating healthier the last 6. Went on a date this weekend and got conveniently seated right across from my ex and his buddy. I've lost 13 lbs, and he has significantly bigger man-boobs. It was soooo awkward and I enjoyed every flipping second of it.
  • I love my HRM, especially on my days where I go over my calories, because it helps me bust my butt to exercise them off. I have the pink polar f4, I like that it tracks my time, target heart rate and cals burned. It's very simple to use and has really helped motivate me to exercise every night.
  • Five O'Clock Shadows...and also men with lumberjack beards.
  • 1)Olive Oil - Extra Virgin 2)Organic Baby Bella Mushrooms 3)Yellow Onion What can I say, I like to saute :-)
  • Thank you for the link!
  • I would like to lose a little over 30 and get to 170 by then! Does anyone want to make a closed group with weekly weigh-ins? Feel free to add me for support!
  • In the same boat! 40-50 hr work weeks, 12 credits, plus trying to exercise an hour a day. It's not been easy! Feel free to add me!
  • I had a bad weekend as well. Spent it traveling to the upper peninsula and ate out the whole time. Had Mexican food last night (way too many carbs!!) and was really paying for it today. My new goal is to go the remainder of the challenge on-plan instead of eating so badly every weekend. I swear when I'm not in a routine…
  • I had to adjust the strap on my Heart Rate Monitor because it was too big yesterday :) I was all sorts of HAPPY!
  • ^^^ Right there with ya!! Only 4.8 lbs for me to get to my Labor Day goal! Down another 2 lbs today. Lost 10 total. This is the same 10 lbs that I've lost probably 8-10 times in my adult life so here's to pushing through and getting much much further this time :) Hope everyone is having a good week, happy hump day :)
  • How is everyone feeling today?? 4 weeks left! I will be checking in on Wednesday with my weigh-in, ate tooo much salt this weekend and am retaining water badly. Hope everyone has a fantabulous week :)
  • Better late than never! :) I started changing what I eat and exercising 3 weeks ago and have not weighed myself since, when I weighed myself on 7/9 I was 215. I would LOVE to be 200 by the time Sept 3rd rolls around! Staying off the scale has really helped me stay motivated...I am not obsessing about my progress...I can't…
  • I started walking 5 miles a day as a way to cope with my ex blindsiding me on the 4th of July and breaking my heart. I've been going strong for two weeks now and it's made this whole break up so much easier to deal with...I feel happy, confident, and I'm actually gettig over him very easily. I look forward to the day we…
  • I think I may need to reweigh myself, when I was weighed at the doctors a week ago I was 215, although I truly feel like I've lost a bit since. My fat burning max is 167...and like I said I was staying around 145 the whole time... I am 24 years old if that helps. Maybe I should send my HRM back.
  • THANK YOU so much for clarifying!
  • I just asked this q in the HRM thread. Eager to hear more about the different zones and which is most efficient as well.
  • Can you guys clarify what 'zone' I am supposed to be in to burn my maximum calories, if I'm using a monitor for walking? I just ordered one last week, should be getting it any day now. I'm a little confused about the different zones and what zone I am supposed to be in at what times!?
  • SW 210 CW 209 :)
  • Tall ladies unite! I love it. I am 5'11.5, and have always loved my long legs. My extra weight is carried in my stomach and butt. I have about 50 lbs to lose total and while I've only been on plan a few weeks, all you ladies are very motivating and I can't wait to see results :-)
  • Going for a walk or hiking is a new favorite activity for me. Gives you a chance for some one-on-one time with the beauty around you being the only distraction :)
  • Hi Maria, I have come to this realization as well. It shames me to think how much food I have put away in one sitting. Recognizing my issues and having the determination to say no is becoming very empowering for me.
  • Starting at 210. Hoping to be down 2 lbs this week. Lots of determination right now! Finally feel like I'm "thinking" like a healthy eater, if that makes sense. I refuse to sabotage myself!
  • Great advice ladies, congrats on your success so far.
  • I will be walking/running (trying to transition to only running) 4 days a week for the first 5 weeks. The I will be incorporating swimming and biking into my weekly regimen as well. Training for my first triathlon in August. Hoping to get in 3 swim, 3 bike, 3 run sessions (doing swim/bike same days). This will be extremely…