

  • Cutting out fruit is not a great idea. Fruits also contain healthy fiber, vitamins and antioxidants, minerals, anti-inflammatory etc., etc. Just avoid the sugar heavy fruits like seedless grapes (bodybuilders call them a gateway drug :) ) and stick with lower GL fruits like bananas, apples, cantaloupe, avacado and berries.…
  • To plateau is perfectly normal. I've had at least 5. Stuck, stalled, nothing happening! They can be frustrating but is is part of the process. it's a good sign, your body is reacting to what your doing! You have to re-evaluate and adjust your daily energy equation (calories in/out) to jump start the loss again (Fat, Carbs,…
  • Very good article below to help understand servings and food labels. Check out the videos at the end of the article. Very helpful. Eat foods with the fewest ingredients possible. The more processed, the less nutrition and more useless and even harmful fattening junk generally speaking.…
  • Hey here's my tips. I've lost 54 pounds in a little over a year. And note I'm 55 years old, have severe arthritis in both knees and smoked for 30 years. I hope this helps so here goes. #1. The math doesn't lie. That means you have to understand exactly what your calories IN (food & drink) and calories OUT (exercise) is…