

  • Thank you for the encouragement! I really needed it today. I am just tired today after school and then work, but I am determined to reach my goal. I kept having to pull my pants up today, which was a great feeling! haha
  • I did HIIT 25 today for the first time (in week 3) because I wasn't able to do it yesterday. I can't completely keep up with her yet, but at least I am moving. Burned over 400 calories!
  • Hi Everyone! I am so happy I found this group! I just started my third week of Turbo Fire and am absolutely loving it! Since starting TF and using MFP I have lost 4 lbs. My goal is to get to my goal weight of 135 before I turn 30. I spent most of my twenties over weight after having my son and I do not want my thirties to…