

  • I buy fresh fruits (cantaloupe, pineapple, honeydew) cut and divide them in little containers. It makes enough to last a week; I'll eat them for breakfast or for snack. 12 ounce V8 Juice for snacks 100 calorie popcorn for snack Individually packaged Salman/fish for quick & easy dinner (grill/oven) Ready to eat skillet…
  • Hi! There are a lot of low cal meals you can prepare in less than 10 minutes. I suggest you find a few that you like and stick to them. For me, I eat a lot of: Canned soup (healthy choice chicken noodle/rice) Fresh fruit divided in little containers (easy quick snack) I buy pre cooked chicken breast strips, heat in 3 min…
  • I typically can stay around 1200 but I tend to eat the same type of meals day after day. It doesn't bother me but this might not work for other people. I do a cheat day once a week but eat the same type of food pretty much all week to stay under my calorie allowence. This is my typical daily intake: Breakfast: Cream for my…