

  • idk y people get so worked up about guns. guns dont kill people. people kill people. and they only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. common sense. but. in my opinion i know my brother in law hase ankle holsters they also make chest holsters annnd thigh holsters any i would assume would do.
  • maybe goon pinterest and look up paleo or low carb/ fat cookie recipes i know i love comfort food so i put together apples,stevia and cinnamon and microwave it it tastes like apple pie to a t. also if you must have oreos i heard of similar healthy versions called the whonu? cookies look them up maybe those will help!
  • i eat apples there mostly water yet some how keep me fulll and you can add stevia and cinnamon put them in the microwave for a couple minutes and it tastes just like apple pie good for a snack too maybee !
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