

  • @missprincess today I did half a scoop with some yogurt. No nausea or anything! I think cold dairy actually helps. Thanks for the tip!
  • **For everyone who is criticizing me about not eating enough calories in order to gain muscle mass, here is what I have to say. *** Yes, I am trying to gain weight. Yes my caloric intake says I have about 800 calories for the day. ***** What you can't see is that there are many days (most, actually) that I forget to put in…
  • @ Janet, I'm going to start using only half of a scoop of protein instead of the full amount. Thank you. @Cocos_mum, like I menioned, going to start using only half a scoop and gradually add a little more. Also, as far as eating goes, I've never been one to have a huge appetite. I know I have to eat more, and I have been…