

  • Hey Veronica, I'm from Shasta County in California, so we are like neighbors. In fact, I went to HSU, graduated 1998. Good luck with this. I enjoy this site Becky
  • Hello, and welcome, don't know about y'all, but I am always looking for quick tasty meals. I have a 21/2 yr old and that's just my style. THANX
  • put a stick of sugarless gum in your mouth, curbs the craving and takes care of that boredom
  • I know what you are saying. I seem to go higher on the protein as well, and I try not to go past the 1200 calories either even after a workout. I hope it is OK.
    in Carbs Comment by bschwerdt February 2006
  • I joined a few weeks ago, and it is so cool to see the results. They are gradual as normal, but counting calories works. It makes you really think before you go out to eat, or eat high calorie foods. (Of course those are the ones that we are so used to.) It is a pretty easy going way to loose weight
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