

  • Yay congrats for you :D I was eating 1200 calories a day all the way up to this month (last week actually) and I was losing on average 5lb a month. Nothing changed, was still losing the same amount but started reading more and more of the threads people post about eating more and having big success moments like yours so…
  • Facebook for fatties, bahahaha.
  • Candy ... sweetie ... Heck yes! xD Wait .... is this a ploy to make me gain weight so you can cook me? I hear in ancient times cannibalism was the norm.
  • You're right OP age is just a number, and pedophilia is just a word. On a more serious note I've seen no-one discriminate based on age, people ask for someone around their own age group (whether then be 18 or 50) and if you ever read some of the replies you'll see people will post (for example) "looking for friends younger…
  • Try making mango salsa, it's very nice as a side to your main dish, easy to make (hardest part is getting the ingredients) and stores in the fridge well (mines been in the fridge for about 5 days and a) tastes better each day since more flavours soak in the mango and b) none of it has gone moldy/turned to mush, also…
  • Thank you for the advice, I'll talk to my local gyms about machines and see about those strap things :D Finding a spotter I think will be slightly harder haha xD
  • I find the world ridiculous, overeating for money/publicity. And the fact that if a person is as badly underweight as that woman is overweight they would be penalized and put in a hospital ward, given therapy and put on a certain diet to help them gain weight and get healthy, yet a woman in that state they just let her be,…
  • Can I just say you are one of my biggest inspirations on here, and I have a girl crush on you (non-sexual haha) and I love the progress you've made, and your food diary more often then not makes me jealous ^-^
  • I felt like the walking dead after working out today. (long day was too tired but worked out regardless, then had a nap haha) So insert any female zombie you can think of into the blank and that can be my walking dead xD
  • I love how petite I am and how my cheekbones and eyes stand out easily as my best features without any help from makeup (well minus a bit of mascara when I can be bothered) :D
  • Saw someone else use this one and thought it was perfect: The Good Son or alternatively: Failure to Launch This guy was a total mamma's boy and as soon as I was in the picture he started acting like I was his mum and life wouldn't go on if I wasn't with him.
  • I would suggest cooking up loads of food one day of the week (say Sunday if you do nothing those does) then freezing the meals and eating them through-out the week. However, if you prefer eating fresh (and quick easy to cook food) then fishcakes with salad/veggies, buy some cheap meat that you can stir fry (or pre-cook…
  • Wow you look great, just another reason for us girls to pick up the weights! :D Congratulations on your progress (both losing 20lb and getting trim weight training) :D
  • I think it depends on the person, I'm pretty sure everyone can get to a weight (not saying it would be a healthy weight) where they can see their collar bones, personally I do remember (and can see in old photos) having my collar bones show, but never could you see them more then say 2inches). Now I say I'm pretty certain…
  • I use Sci-MX nutrition whey protein (can get it in asda where I live haha) taste isn't bad (not as great as some that I have tried) but it's cheap (£25), can grab it from the shops when I get grocerys and quite frankly to get any others I either have to travel for 1hour to town or order online.
  • Haha thank you for posting this! :D My diary was constantly 1200 calories or less and bleh, so messy, now trying to hit 1500cals a day and obviously I was concerned over an initial gain before losing again, but this makes me feel happier :D Can't wait till I get where you are ^-^
  • I used to track my sugar, but always came in under (other then when I ate a lot of fruit but I don't tend to count that). Now I eat better in general and whilst I do still have a few processed foods (fish cakes/chicken kievs) they are things I ate when I tracked my sugar anyway so I don't worry about tracking sugar (plus I…
  • Great job you look amazing! :D
  • I'm now eating 1500 (or at least trying to) but I can (and did for a long time) eat 1200 (and often under because of lack of hunger), obviously I realise how stupid I was being eating under (hence drastic re-think and boosting up to 1500), but I found it easy to stick at 1200 eating meals where I made them all from scratch…
  • To be honest (judged from reading other guys posts about this sort of stuff) I think maybe you should start weight training after your marathon, still run and all but maybe build up your upper body strength then do something to show your commitment to it (like your commitment to running is resulting in you doing a…
  • I doubt eating more protein today then you are used to has caused your headache, however if it persists go see your doctor because you might (and i say might it's very rare) have ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/dietandfitness/9013566/The-man-who-nearly-died-on-the-Dukan-diet.html…
  • I obviously don't know your goal but for 800cals you could (depending on how hungry you are) treat yourself to a drink (not necessarily alcohol it could be fruit juice haha), have some fruit (obvious answer), milk and cookies before bed? My favourite is baking some new bread rolls and having one (in-front of the fire)…
  • I don't have a gym membership (though I would if I had the spare money for it!) and I've lost 19lbs, not as impressive as a lot of people, but a loss in a loss right? :D
  • I'm a level 21 Ranger or Mage (can't decide which it changes between the two every couple of weeks lol).
  • The "weight gain" is mostly a lie (you'll probably put on a pound or two) the reason people gain weight on it is because it makes your body act like you're pregnant, meaning you want to eat a lot, people who get fat on it are people who aren't watching what they eat so I'm sure you'll be fine :D Edit: Just to say this is…
  • Wow you look great, your figure is amazing and congratz on losing the 25lbs :D
  • Only thing lemon and honey (and hot water) does is soothe a sore throat.
  • I wouldn't say it's the key to losing lbs. I eat a lot of protein purely because a) I find it filling so I'm less likely to snack if I eat chicken then compared to if I eat a plate of pasta and b) because it helps muscle recovery (after exercise) and the development of muscles (sorry if I'm wrong here someone correct me…
  • Oh definitely Jason Momoa his just yum :D
  • I use it instead of rice and do egg fried "rice" :) But that's because I love egg fried rice but with quinoa it's got better nutrients and that so I don't feel as guilty eating it. Also, I tend to just boil it in water, then add chillis, jalepinos, peppers, sauce - depending on my mood could be reggae reggae cause or just…