

  • Here is another site that popped up, If anybody here is a member of that new site, please post the link to the Petition. Thanks
  • I believe eventually they would have to honor the lifetime Ks if your home gym was taken over...but the managers, to get commissions, might have been misleading you into signing new headquarters wants all inquiries referred to them...see this article…
  • My pleasure...I will like to report that I went today to an almost brand new LAFitness...Had no problem getting in but be prepared for the upsell...told them I was in a hurry otherwise the upgrade charade would have begun.
  • The link that you posted is not working, below is the correct link to the Petition. Your posted link has a space added right before fee that makes the link not work. Please correct as to not get people frustrated and give up on signing petition.…
  • So I cannot get a straight answer from either Ballys or LAFitness about lifetime contracts....this is Ballys response to my email "Thank you for contacting Bally Total Fitness. Please be advised that your membership has been transitioned to LA Fitness as of 12/01/11. For further questions regarding the status of your…
  • Thanks, 15 now...people don't be apathetic thinking that you make no difference...take a look at the results of the Bank of America debit fee petition here, Tell your friends that are bally members, post on facebook, spread the word. Here is the link for the Petition again for easy access.…
  • Well I agree there are discrepancies and that's because LAThieveness has purposely not made that position clear. They have chosen their words in the emails and postings in your access page to make it ambiguous as to what they are trying to do.
  • Oh so they now are selectively saying that they did not buy lifetime memberships and bought only the ones that are convenient to them.. BS...don't take this crap without fighting back, if my contract was in florida and they bought ALL Ballys in florida then they bought mine too...and if not, why do they have all my info…
  • Thank you for signing the Petition, we have 4 signatures so far...Sorry to hear that they are not allowing you to use even one club where you live when you had a national membership. That is despicable behaviour on their part, basically forcing you to fly to be able to work out...If they did not buy your contract then the…
  • Here is another way...sign this petition that I just started. This is important. When Bank of America wanted to charge $5 a month extra for use of debit card, a lady started a petition at…
  • That is a good idea to band together....It could be worked that anybody who is affected and wants to band together to send $1 to centralized paypal email. Then from the proceeds the domain name and hosting fee is paid, which is small, then any money left over would be used for attorneys' fees or other costs as needed, with…
  • They are not going to pay $550 million and then close all locations. That would not make any sense. They may close a few if close to an existing LAFitness, but if they do, they would have to transfer you to a home club of their own. that is what they are saying...So far the only people that are getting screwed are the $5…
  • Exactly...they don't want to deal with the $5 a year deal....but they may legally have to.
  • Wow that does suck for you...I guess they will honor the $49 per year member but not the $5.00, so you are right in reporting them. I suspect that although they are not yet cancelling the $49 a year, at one point they will try to squeeze more money out of should try to get a bunch of others in your position to…
  • Thanks!!! OK, did that and was able to register, and now I also see the amount due in 6/2012 is $49.00 in billing info, but under payment and prepayment 0....wondering if I should pre-paid this now to try to lock in another year? Does anybody have any info if pre-payment now would lock in another year. Thanks
  • Heidi1558 Where did you logged in at the Bally Fitness site or the La Fitness site? I tried to log in at LA Fitness site and cannot log in. The Bally Fitness site is still Bally, they did not sell all the clubs just in some areas. So where exactly are you logging in into?
  • Yeah, same here, I only pay $52 a year which includes tax. The contract that I signed with Bally in 1987 said that after making the regular payments for 2 years, my contract would become a LIFETIME contract at $49 a year plus tax. I am not too thrilled about this LAFitness takeover, but if they try to shaft us, I think we…
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