Happy Member


  • A low WBC can be seen during or following a viral infection. (Among many other things) Many times in the cases of leukemia, all three cells line will be affected. If she had a low platelet count and a low hemoglobin along with the low WBC count, it would be much more worrisome. She should follow up with her doctor in 2-3…
  • I use sparkpeople.com. In fact, I just entered two recipes. That one seems to be the most user friendly of all the ones I've tried.
    in Food dairy Comment by Happy January 2010
  • Really a calorie is a calorie. If you burn more than you eat you'll lose. You might not be very healthy if all of your calories come from junk but you would still lose. Sometimes pizza makes me retain water so drink lots to help with this. And I think as long as you're not eating pizza for every meal, it is an ok treat…
  • I would be interested. No name ideas, however.
  • I stuggled with milk production after I went back to work. Make sure you get enough protein, at least 60 grams per day. That's probably one of the most important things to help supply, that and water intake which it sounds like you do well with. If you are determined to keep going, I tried a drug called domperidone. It…
  • Hi all, I've been using the sight for a couple months now but I thought it was time I said hi. So Hi! I am tired of being overweight and am ready to do something about it. I have lost 50 lbs in the past so I know can do it. 5 years, a husband and 2 kids later I managed to gain them all back plus some. With my previous…
    in Newbie Comment by Happy March 2009