WandaMM1 Member


  • When you say 'gym machine equipment' do you mean the strength training equipment and not cardio equipment (like a treadmill)? I'm going to assume yes. =) The most important thing is to stick with it! It may take a while before you start to see results. If you are a member at a gym, they likely offer an introductory…
  • If you are a VERY beginner, there is so much you can do with body weight alone for resistance. I am not intending to discourage lifting weights (I do heavy lifts 3x a week). You can start with things like push-ups (knees or toes) to hit chest and triceps (depending on your arm/hand position), dips (off a step or the…
  • I have the FT60; which comes with a chest strap. As far as HRMs go, some type of chest strap is mandatory in my eyes. I have been very happy with the FT60 WATCH. However, I didn't like the chest strap that came with it. I bought a replacement strap (the solid plastic one - T31) and am so much happier. If you are willing to…
  • I agree with everyone! Also, lifting heavy will help cut inches since muscle is more dense (think smaller) than fat. I think your trainer is giving good advice!
  • If your ONLY goal is to lose weight, you can do that without exercise. If your true goal is to have a healthy body composition (lean tissue, strong bones and muscles, healthy cardio paths, etc.) you will need to include exercise as part of a healthy life style. What you eat daily matters too. Many argue that a calorie in…
  • I kind of do this too, except with audio books. I only allow myself to listen to audio books while doing cardio (e.g. elliptical, treadmill). MANY times I've been anxious for a cardio day so I could find out what happened next in my book. ETA: I love strength training. The heavier the weights the better. I love kick-boxing…
  • I like the Kashi GoLean cereals which I eat with almond milk. The GoLean collection has a moderate amount of protein. I've also eaten egg scrambles in a cup; which I use Egg Beaters to make. Here are a few recipe options: http://www.hungry-girl.com/newsletters/raw/1256-shes-got-eggs-and-she-knows-how-to-use-them. Finally,…
  • I agree - don't focus on crunches. They can be part of a workout routine but don't focus on it. Go with planks, or any type of instability work (e.g. stand on one leg when doing bicep curls). If you really want or much do crunches, be certain to focus on drawing your belly-button into your spine (toward the floor). You may…
  • There is a school of thought that you can increase your metabolism my eating food in a more equal distribution throughout the day. Rather than only eating 2-3 larger meals, that you should eat 5-6 times a day with each meal being smaller. One of the goals would be to eat something every 3 hours or so. I don't know how much…
  • I think the better question to ask is "What can I do so that I DON'T hit my allowance too early?"
  • First, CONGRATULATIONS on your progress so far! Definitely something worth celebrating!! I agree with other posters. Adding more (or more intense) weight training may help. I'm not suggesting it will spot train. Rather, adding muscle to your frame can help in a couple of ways. First, having strong muscles under/around fat…
  • As much as this made my head hurt, this thread is still exponentially better than the "would you {pick a verb} the person above you" threads!!!
  • I agree with this ^ but would add give it maybe 2-3 months. I lift heavy 3 times a week and do 60 minutes of cardio 2 or 3 times a week. I have lost almost 75 pounds doing that combination targeting 1200-1500 calories a week. (I reset my goals when I changed my nutrition plan so my ticker doesn't reflect my total weight…
  • I had the same shoulder issue. Mine was caused by over-use and/or improper stretching. I had a couple of weeks of 'no exercise' and then had weekly physical therapy (PT) appointments. It look a few months and some boring PT exercises, but it worked. Now I am back to lifting without pain or any type of limitation. If you…
  • ^ this. Processed foods (especially smoked meats) have a ton of sodium. Drink water. And then drink more water. The newest recommendations say to divide your weight by 2 and then drink that many ounces of water (e.g. 200 pound person should drink 100 ounces of water a day). Stick with it. Fluctuations are normal…
  • I agree completely. If the watch is properly set up, it will be more accurate than MFP and the machines.
  • Awesome work. The changes are definitely noticeable. Congratulations and keep it up!!
  • This ^^^ I 100% agree with! Make changes that make a difference and they need to be lifestyle changes not temporary changes to meet a goal.
  • I recall reading some where that your body gets its energy from/in a different way based on your intensity level. I believe at lower intensities, you are more apt to burn fat stores (e.g. convert fat to energy), At higher intensities, your body will use all available "easy" energy first (e.g. as available in your blood…
  • Floor crunches are not a great ab exercise - they only work one of many ab muscles. Try something like this: http://www.fitnessblender.com/v/workout-detail/Standing-Abs-Exercises-10-Minute-Standing-Abs-Workout/9g/
  • How long have you been incorporating strength training. When I first started strength training, I completely disliked it too. After about 6-8 months of doing it consistently and mixing up the type of circuits and exercises every 6 weeks, I made a complete 180. Now I would much rather do the strength training and consider…
  • I pretty much exclusively use the app during the day and it works just fine!:smile:
  • There are always one or two jerks (male or female) but MOST will be supporting you. You get total credit for showing up and trying. And, same as the others who commented, if they offer a free personal training session, take advantage of it. Having confidence that you know what you are doing and that you are doing it with…
  • Based on what my trainer tells me - you should keep your whole foot on the floor for stability but have your weight centered (or SLIGHTLY) back. You should be able to lift your toes, as a test to determine where your weight is, but they should be on the floor. By the way, heels up puts the main focus on the quads. Heels…
  • People who clip at 10 fingernails at work. Do your personal grooming at home!!
  • I see the messages too. The 'good' news is that the comments can also be good. I've seen "This is a great source of vitamin A", or "Congratulations, you've met your protein goal".
  • What she said! Log everything - and at least in the beginning weigh or measure your food. More often than not when you think you are eating one serving (e.g. breakfast cereal) you are actually eating three or four. The average serving of cereal is a cup or less!!
  • Congratulations and great job. You're efforts are paying off!
  • This is perfect. I've been caught in analysis paralysis myself a time or two.