vaugdds Member


  • I was where you are at just 4 weeks ago. I joined a class but we don't do anything you could not do on your own.The class is based on the P90X . We use hand weights. I use the 8lb weights to do the upper body strengthening. Then I use the 3lb weights to do my aerobics which is basically a stepping routine using a 4inch…
  • I can relate to your frustration. This afternoon I only had 175 calories left for my dinner. I knew that was not going to work. So , I got motivated and jogged for 50 minutes and cashed in on 475 calories. I ate a good dinner and had some dark chocolate for desert. It looks like this tool empowers you to take control of…
  • I think one of the main elements of a successful long term diet is to incorporate a variety of foods in each meal. 4 eggs for breakfast every day sound pretty dull to me. Are you willing to do that for the rest of your life to maintain your weight loss?
  • I go to a group P90X class offered through our local parks and Rec department.three times a week. According to my HR monitor watch I am burning 700 Calories each 1 hr class.
    in P90x2? Comment by vaugdds February 2012