

  • One thing to take into consideration is that it's not going to happen in just one round. There are Insanity success stories about people that have lost 100+ lbs in MULTIPLE rounds. I myself am about 3/4 the way through. I've lost 21 lbsin 5 weeks, but put on quite a bit muscle mass. The measurements are where the true…
  • I'm going into week 7 Tuesday. Rest day tomorrow.
  • The reason I don't like going off of the calorie recommendations from myfitnesspal is that my Basal Metabolitic Rate is 1795 calories/day yet it says I should be eating less. I am on my 4th round of Insanity and 1300-1400 calories a day would kill me. I tried a 1500 calorie diet the first time I did it and, though I lost…
  • First of all, Insanity isn't just about quick weight loss. Yes it does help with that, but it's also making your body stronger and healthier. I'm on round 4. The first three ended early because of injury. I've been able to modify what is necesarry to keep it from happening again. Anyone can modify it to meet their own…
  • I'm doing it now. Just finished the recovery week. 20.2 lbs lost in 5 weeks. It works! Just know that it is high impact, so be careful if you have knee or shoulder probs. I do have before and current pics as well.