AnneMorrow44 Member


  • I'm excited to go! We might go this weekend! But I am not Logging and I'm not eating everything LOL. We do sweet Marthas as well but this year i am NOT letting hubs buy the bucket b/c then I have to eat all the ones off the top just to get the lid closed and I feel sick! LOL
  • Hi I'm Anne, 29 on this Wed April 4th, wife of 8 years, mother of two (4 and 11months) Originally from Pennsylvania Moved to MN 6 ago and Live in Elk River. Working my way back to a healthier me! Looking for accountability partners to help keep me on track and vice versa!! I'm part of an amazing team that has been helping…
  • Vent away!!! Chocolate is a friend and an enemy but don't let this one time make you quit, will it make you fell better or for that matter will quitting make you LOOK better? you Got this!