shelleesjourney154 Member


  • I did better today. The struggle is so hard :( I always have quit at the point where I feel like I can't do this, it's too hard...all the excuses I come with to let myself stop....but my health is worsening and I want to I am praying hard and trying to push through the feelings that want to take over. Good grief…
  • Journaled food but the rest is really terrible. Almost 4000 calories over my limit this week <sigh>
  • Hi Katie, I'm glad your back :) If there's ever a next time I will pray instead of be impatient. I'm sorry :( I am glad you are feeling better.
  • I'm not sure what to change in setting...can you guide me through it?
  • Except for journaling my food, I'm doing terrible
  • I'm sorry herinderkaur... I haven't been posting because Katie hasn't kept up with posting the days for us to check in....seems its a pretty difficult thing for people to be consistant with this type of thing. I need help & motivation too and was hoping this group would be helpful so have been kindof disappointed :( I…
  • My last two days have been not so good :( yesterday I wanted food in my mouth constantly from late afternoon into the evening and today I ate 730 calories of sweets. I have health issues that my dr says I need to make serious lifestyle changes or i will be on a road I do not want to be on...I already am being 330+ lbs with…
  • Todays Goals... 1) Stay in cal limit - yes 2) Journal food- yes 3) 3 veggie - yes 4) 2 fruit- no only had 1 5) sweet snacks less than 200 calories - yes had 120c in sweets :) 6) 64oz water- no had half
  • My check in for today :) 1. below calorie limit - yes 2. Journal food - yes 3. 3 serving veggies- yes 4. 2 servings fruit- had 3 5. less than 200 calories in sweets - no :( had 95 cal. over 6. 64oz water- yes I didn't get to weigh in Monday because my scale kept saying different weights :( I told hubby to throw it out,…
  • Hi Katie & Everyone :) My goals for the next 30 days: *stay within calorie limit currently 1740 *Journal food *Increase veggies to 3 serving daily *Increase fruit to 2 servings daily*decrease sweet snacks to 1 time day less than 200 calories *64oz water daily My current weight is 334.8 :( My weigh in day is Monday.
  • JFT, I will stay within calorie limits. Not feel sorry for myself.