

  • Diet soda = barf just drink water
  • It was great to read the responses to this thread. I'm on day 64 of P90X and my friend is going to let me borrow insanity to try it when I'm done. I didn't have a lot of weight to lose, so I think P90X was great to get me in shape and I'm hoping that insanity will burn off any fat I have left after I'm done with P90X. I…
  • I'm on day 64 of P90X and I love it! I'm 33, M, 6'4", 205lbs. I really need the structure of a program like P90X to keep me motivated instead of just going to the gym with no real plan in mind. If you are struggling, just keep putting the dvds in everyday and give it your best, you will see results. Plyometrics can really…