

  • Hey workoutgirl, just giving you my opinion, I am 5'4 1/4" & I was extremely overweight & I am down to 158 right now, Ive lost 30 lbs since March.....i want to be at 130, but i wouldnt go any lower because you need to stay at healthy weight. You dont need to go down to 100, I think that would be too much. I agree with…
  • Hi, Im Belinda (dolphinlover4life), I will gladly help you, nice to meet you "KAm" I will call you. Well all you need to do is post & your MFP family is here for you. do you go to gym? I joined Planet Fitness here in Baltimore (Golden Ring location), I LOVE IT! Ive lost 15.4 lbs so far. Started in beg. of march. I do this…