carmieslug Member


  • I also recommend the Jeff Galloway program. I think that greater than the physical challenge of running a half is the mental challenge of believing that you can. That's why the Galloway program worked for me. I never had to think - I'm going to run for 13.1 miles - I was able to break it up into segments that my brain…
  • Congratulations on your progress this far and for not wanting to give up. C25K worked for me but I later found (as I was moving up to 10Ks and 1/2 marathon training) that Jeff Galloway's program worked best for me. You might want to check out his website. His philosophy is "injury free running" which is something that I…
  • Hi! I would just like to share that I love my Brooks Adrenaline. They offer so much support and I feel like I am running on air. I also agree that you should try to get measured at a running store. And - I would add that last year's Brooks adrenaline are on sale at the Brooks website - so if you like them, you can pick up…