

  • One poached egg on top of a Dr. Praeger's California veggie burger! One of my favorite go to meals, any time of day. You could add a slice of toast and some fruit. Its quick, easy and filling!
  • I LOVE the ellptical machine. I have been doing it for a while now and at first I didn't see any changes. I increased the level that I was working on and boy the weight and inches are just falling off! Try increasing the level your on. I hope that helps.
  • Has anyone else been losing inches and not weight? I have been exercising 5-6 days a week, alternating weight training and cardio. I eat all my calories most of the time. Don't get me wrong I am very happy to lose inches ( I went down another pants size!!!) but I still want to drop weight. What can I do to start losing…
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