aww thats pants but don't be too disheartened. Iv met up with a friend the other day and she didn't notice I had lost 11 lbs and i wore my 'feel good clothes' but I do wonder with girls if there is a bit of jealousy at times?
Dont give up! Im only losing one pound a week at the moment aswell! It a healthy weight loss and you dont want to lose it all quickly and then find it hard to maintain the weight loss. This is a life style change not a quick fix!
Hehe its a bit of a wake up call at first! I in-putted all my favourite breakfasts at first to see which one was best calorie wise which has been really useful! Its nice to know that you can still have a naughty bacon sarnie for breakfast and then have a low calorie lunch and your still within your calorie intake! Keep at…