from liverpool, currently in nyc!
a cup before breakfast, a cup after breakfast. repeat with every meal and you're on you way.
most cereals are hideous. even all bran in the usa contains high fructose corn syrup. granola and mueslis aren't much better imho. try alpen low sugar - tasty, filling and honest. add maple syrup, walnuts and maybe a banana. nutritious calories.
you have to keep hold of the little things you enjoy most. if it's coffee with stuff added in, so be it. try adjusting elsewhere in your plan to accommodate your morning treat.
i've gone through phases where i cut out meat altogether for up to 18 months at a time. various reasons: ethical, environmental, etc. it never resulted in weight loss because that wasn't my goal; i still gorged on cheese, desserts and naughty snacks. it's when i began to take a more holistic approach towards health - quite…
Impressive. All to the good, no?