pwbarton1 Member


  • My wife and I used to joke that a dual control electric blanket saved our marriage (39 years) with my side turned off and hers on warm. Since my surgery in May even layered blankets and a quilt did not keep me warm so now we have a dual control heated matress pad with mine on 4 and hers off. The dog gets up on my side…
  • I chose the sleeve because it seemed less intrusive than a bypass. I have found that I can plan for days like Thanksgiving when the carbs are going to be had and have even worked in a small piece of birthday cake. My understanding of the bypass is you have a much lower tolerence for sugars. I go scuba diving and did not…
  • Sleeved on May 23rd, I don't regret it. Most foods are fine in much smaller quantity but some cheeses are difficult. Just find a different recipie for lasagna and don't graze. I think I was a bit frightened the first time I had a small piece of cake at a birthday party. It was far too good but I find that planning your day…
  • I switched around among the shakes. and have settled on Unjury and Pure Protein. Generally for 5 meals during the week. What I have found works very well for me are the Isopure protein drinks. They are counted as water, have a lot of flavors and are not shakes that can get wearing after a while. Unjury unflavored powder…
  • I had mine on May 23rd and was also nervous as I'm in my 60s. My brother had his done two years ago in California so I had an idea what to expect and he came East to "be my advocate." The procedure took almost 4 hours with the majority of that time spent correcting a stubborn hernia. Everything went like a charm. I was up…
  • I had a history of emboli and am on regular doses of cumodin. The regular thinner was stopped a week prior and I did 2 shots a day for the week prior and week after then back on the regular thinner. The nurse had me giving them in the lower abdomin. I think the most discomfort was in my mind as the needles were extremely…
  • My pre-op was also about 2000 calories dropping to 1200 cal/day as I got closer leaning heavily towards protein and exercise. It may depend on surgery proximity, how comfortable the surgeon is with your progress and any additional health factors. Don't be afraid to ask questions. I know MFP will tell me that I am not…
  • Hi Sleevers, I made the decision last October when I hit 354. I had to wait for various reasons and was sleeved at Portsmouth, NH May 23rd weighing in at 314. Today I tipped the scae at 262 continuing the slide down My problem is watching fat content or not reading further when the labels say fat free and hide the carbs in…