scowper Member


  • your body needs water to function properly. i used to be quite neglectful of the "8 glasses a day" rule, but have forced myself to follow it in the last 18 months or so and it makes a huge difference. you can use it to help you lose weight, a full glass of water takes up quite a bit of space in your stomach, so if portion…
    in Water? Comment by scowper November 2012
  • i'm almost always over my sugar limit but it's mainly from lactose and fructose so i don't freak out about it, as long as i'm not filling myself with processed sugar i don't worry about it. in my opinion it's better to snack on a fresh piece of fruit which might have "half" the sugar i should have in a day but has lots of…
  • this is a question that should NEVER be asked! if someone hasn't volunteered the information that they are pregnant then that's their business. i see men all the time that have impressive round bellies but basic knowledge of biology dictates otherwise, i don't see why anyone should assume it be any different for women
  • i only log my weight once a week but i weigh about 3 or 4 times a week just to keep an eye on my progress. i used to weigh once a day, or sometimes more. i find it useful to know how my body weight changes over the course of a week, it also means you're more likely to notice if something's not right. i also was able to…
  • i've never used implenon but i was previously on the depo injection and gained 5 stone in just over a year, dieted for 6 months and gained another stone. when i was discussing other options with my family planning nurse, she advised against implenon as the hormone mix is very similar to the injection so it would likely…
    in Implenon Comment by scowper October 2012
  • i got an elliptical for home around 2 years ago when i was around 270lb and it's great. i would often find walking or jogging too harsh on my knees and ankles from impacting my elliptical is much kinder to the joints because it takes out the landing, the model i got also comes with a slot for an exercise bike seat so it…
  • personally I'm a big fan of Shockabsorbers' sports bras, they do one that is specifically designed for D-H cup busts too. to be honest though, everyone is different, she's probably best going to a big sports shop or underwear shop, finding as many styles in her size as possible, trying them on and she'll find out whether…
  • I've lost 9lb since the start of September and haven't banned anything, just had a bit of whatever I wanted in moderation. Once a week I let myself break my calorie limit as long as it leaves me under for the week. Last night I had a Chinese take away and a couple of ciders, I'm still 1800 calories under my weekly limit.…
  • ouch! i feel your pain. i did 2 grade 3 tears in my ankle at the start of the year, not fun at all. personally, i didn't do anything for about a month, even just getting up to go to the toilet felt like too much hassle. once i was able to hobble around a bit, i started doing some yoga and pilates dvds, just upper body at…
  • when you remove your hair bobble and your hair remains in a pony tail because of the amount of sweat
  • i got really bad acne around my hairline when i was on the contraceptive injection but as soon as i came off it my skin improved. i still get the occasional breakout and it's almost always when i've been bad and slept in my make-up, and/or been eating bad. when my diet is good (lot's a fruit, veg and water etc) my skin…
  • i dropped a jean size in 2 months last year purely through diet. i then dropped another in about a further 3 months with quite a bit of exercise thrown in but then injured my ankle and filled back out again. only recently been able to start fitness again but have dropped 3 inches off my hips in just a month mainly by…
  • first time giving this a go, will be good to have something to aim at. going to set my target at 100, already walked 3.7 this morning :)