I looked up the link and it does have very useful information. Based on what you have said and some others, I definitely don't want to lose muscle mass and so I won't feel bad eating a little over the calorie count. I for one certainly don't mind a little extra food, it is a bummer that the weight loss will slow down a bit…
I will look up the TDEE and BMR, and thanks for the advice.
Hey you guys are great, lots of good advice so far. I am doing my best to keep my net around 1200 which on my 4 mile days ends up being closer to 1700 because of the extra 500ish calories I earn. Once my pace speeds up then I think I will be burning enough to not quite worry too much about calorie intake, however, I'm…
I am doing the 1200 diet, however, I'm doing it with the net at 1200 on run days so my 5 running days a week are more like 1600ish and my off days are around 1200, but it still feels very hard.
Nice job, hope it felt great!
I hear you, running in the cold really gets my lungs acting up. I try to stay indoors until the weather gets better.
Wow! You look amazing. I think you are my new hero. It's really nice to see real people do so well with this program. I wasn't sure if it could really work sticking with it, but you look great.