RATTY92 Member


  • Brilliant thank you very much, that's really helpful I'll defo change mfp settings and try to increase some calorie intake :)
  • Thank you very much so yeah just try and eat more but of the good things :) and itl help boost protein too
  • Thank you very much thats what I needed lol! Such an idiot sometimes lol! And yeah so obviously as long as its not filling on 500 calories of things like crisps chips and chocolate.
  • Lol ok I think I've been going about this all wrong. I guess I'm just worried if I increase calories I'll end up back to square one again!
  • I don't know how you guys are replying to peoples posts individually so I'm having to reply vto you all at once lol! I'm so glad I'm not on my own and that other people are frustrated too! And yes I don't eat red meat cos I choose not to and I haven't for years somone just mentioned to reduce it to lose weight but since I…
  • Thank you all for your replies :D yeah maybe you're right with dropping down to 0.5lbs loss a week would be better (i think its still set as 2lb loss). And yes I do tend to eat my calories later on in the day oops! And I shall check out the blog thank you very much :) and yes all helpful :)
  • I'm already hitting lower than my 1200 I'm supposed to have not including the 400-500 calories I burn. It's complicated cos people say you shouldn't really eat any lower than 1200. I do most those so maybe just increase weight and reps. Thanks for feedback :)
  • Yeah I agree too they seem low, if you wanted to find a rough guide if you go onto http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator it will calculate your bmr then you can use the Harris Benedict Equation to work out how many calories you need based on your daily activities then obviously to lose weight you need a calorie…