

  • Definitely an inspiration! Thanks for sharing :)
  • Great advice! Definitely an inspiration, especially since I've been trying to get fit for my wedding next June. Congratulations on your wedding and your success!
  • Wow, way to go! I enjoyed your comment "let your good days far outweigh the bad" - very inspiring. :smile:
  • Amazing! Thank you for the inspiration :).
  • HI there! Thanks for the add. Yes, my wedding dress size goal is to be an 8 or 10. I recently purchased my wedding dress last weekend in the size that I am, 14. It takes time for the dress to be made, though my wedding is't until June 2015 - the dress will come in this July and I'll have it alterations done. The dress can…
  • Hello gals! I'm excited to have found a group with similar goals as me, including shedding for the wedding in 2015. Our wedding is set for June 20, 2015 and I have been engaged since January 2013 - we have a long engagement as he's attending veterinary school and I'm getting my masters. My goal is to lose 40+ pounds by the…
  • Hello from the City of Roses; hope to find some support near or far! I'm engaged and our wedding is set for June 2015 - I hope to reach or surpass my GW by then! Looking forward to connect with anyone :). 26 y/o 5'5" SW: 182.6 lbs CW: 181.4 lbs GW: 140 lbs
  • Hi there! I think it is amazing you're looking into joining the Air Force. As for running, I personally think you should ease into it. Have you ever heard of the "Couch to 5k" workout? I've heard it works wonders, usually easing yourself into running will help you even become a fan of running. I wouldn't recommend throwing…
  • Rip City!
  • This is simply amazing and very inspiring! Definitely giving you a standing ovation as I need to take a break from sitting for so long. This is what I needed to help boost me in the right direction. Thanks so much for sharing!
  • Variety! Try mixing your products in different ways, and once you're on the green menu try doing different recipes. If you stick yourself to such a routine of doing the same thing daily, you'll find yourself slipping and no longer want to continue on the program. My experience with MRC was good and I appreciated all their…
  • It's great you're accurately recording your calories, it is the first step to success. However, upon reviewing your diary - I feel that you need to gather foods from different groups: such as - include fresh fruits, vegetables, etc. I'm seeing a lot of process food, granted you're sticking to your intake - this food isn't…
  • Only your body can tell you whether you're up to work out or not. If your body feels you need rest, then rest. Don't beat yourself up over a missed workout in the first place, just move on. You'll work just as hard at your next workout! But really, listen to your body.
  • Hey Brittany, You're welcome to message me if you have any questions. I think your concern regarding calorie intake is very valid whether it be less or more based on what you're calculating. However, you need to consider the source of where your calories are coming from. I'm happy to help you out as I've done by fair share…
  • Hello, hello! My name is Jessica and I joined MRC February 4th - it's been a roller-coaster of a few weeks, but here's to getting back on track! I lost 2 lbs during the pre-conditioning week, reached the 10 lbs goal, but have gained back nearly half of what I've lost in the past few weeks. Felt the food journal was getting…