centaurfarms Member


  • Your both right if I knock out the processed foods the sodium will go down. I did not think of that. I will check my settings also as you suggested. Also I did not realize how high my carbs where and how low the protein was. I will try to change that and see what happens. Also changing to sedetery lifestyle uped my…
  • I will try to add more meat and veggies/fruit ect. The last couple of days I have been on the go. I will try to make a lot of fresh veggies and fruits up at one time and eat on the go. That is what I did with my grits for a couple of mornings. I will try to reduce the lean cuisines and healthy choice soups for a while. I…
  • Im a horse trainer. I get exercise but in winter it is only 3-4 days a week at 4-800 calories each day
  • Yes I measure my foods. What processed foods are you all referring to except for the one microwave meal (lean cuisine ect) I have at lunch I am not sure what else is processed.
  • This last week I have added more boiled cabbage, fruit and veggies in general. I am not sure about the BMR as the calculators all give me different so I was just hoping MFP had it right but I am thinking it is not right. All my life I stayed on low cal low fat way of living and was probably starving myself most of the…
  • I am wondering if I am eating enough or not enough.
  • I use two packs of sweetners a day. I don,t crave sugar from it. I am 5'8 and 50 yr old female. I am a horse trainer so when the weather is good I do ride and burn 500-800 calories on those days. This time of year it is normally 3-4 times a week. I have been on it over a month
  • I think I got the diary public now. Any suggestions please
  • How do I open my diary?