PurpElle85 Member


  • I am 1 month post op. I would love to have friends on here that have also had the vertical sleeve surgery! I am down 35 pounds total, so far.
    in WLS/VSG Comment by PurpElle85 July 2020
  • False. TNP will run a mile today...
  • Noooooo ! This is a wide umbrella of "Clicked"....... I meant when you finally realized that YOU COULD DO IT.... and also when you realized you could stick to the plan and not fall off the wagon this time...... as welll as that turning point in your life when you realized you needed to........
  • That is absolutely AWESOME!!!!!!! Stay motivated!!! The sky is not even the limit!!!!
  • When I'm in the store and on a tight budget, if I'm impulsed to buy an item, I ask my self..... COULD I Live without this item???? So when you are tempted to eat those cookies, ask yourself.... is this really worth 30 minutes on the treadmill???? 25 minutes on the elliptical????? 1 hour walking the track???? and if its…
  • I'm sorry it had to be a medical reason that it clicked for you, however, now that's more motivation that YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!! 200 pounds may seem so farrrrrrrrr away, but when broken up into increments of 10, maybe it won't seem like as big of an obstacle!!! In those challenging moments, just ask yourself is it worth…
  • You are absolutely right!!! One of my biggest challenges has always been ordering take out at work!!!! I used to acutally be the one to "organize" the order (in all of my glory).... and now, people don't know how to react when i tell them that I packed my lunch for the day!!! Because I must say, a lot of those days, I…
  • There was an 80+ year old woman in my office one day, and she looked like she was in her mid 50's... I asked her what she did to stay "young" she said number one, you are only as old as you feel... and number two for as as long as she remembered, she would take 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a couple of slices of…
  • This is definitely an inspiration! You look GREAT!!!!!!!