

  • Hi Scott, There is a group forum for hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism that you can join on here if you haven't found it already. There is a lot of good information. It can be very frustrating when no one around you understands what you're going through.
  • Thanks for your reply Bridget- I think after the New Year I'm going to make another Doctors Appointment and remind her again of what my symtoms are which are not going away and hopefully I can get referred to someone else. Good Luck with your weight loss! I haven't had kids yet and I can only imagine what a struggle it is…
  • Wow, I finally do not feel alone and can relate to almost everyone. I'm 36 years old and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism a couple years ago. For years my doctor said it was strange and odd she could always feel my Thyroid. Finally a couple years ago she sent me in to get an ultra sound and sure enough, it is enlarged or…