FitGuyMemphis Member


  • Happy to cheer you on, just by joining this site you are making a first step towards bettering yourself :) And sometimes the first step is the hardest....once you get moving it's easier to keep going! Just remember to set small goals first, it's easier to reach your long term goals if you take things one day at a time!…
  • I find it easy because of the ketogenic diet, and I actually have to make sure I eat enough, because of the nature of the diet, I am never hungry and when I don't eat my body just switches over to using body fat for energy... Which is exactly what fat is for...fat IS stored energy to be used in times…
  • I'm merely suggesting it, because it works really well for me and has helped me overcome the psychological addiction linked to food, as well as making things easier because (at least for em) keto and IF lets me auto pilot and not have to put so much energy into planning what I am doing.... So just suggesting it because it…
  • I guess what I am getting at, is that for the average person, P90x can be way TOO much exercise. If you are over exerting yourself and not allowing enough time for rest and recovery you are not going to see progress because your body is holding onto every ounce of fat/energy/calories it has. As far as heart rate goes, I…
  • Hey man, looks like you eat some pretty decent foods, but as some of the others said you need to adjust your macros and cut down greatly on the carbs/sugars. Get rid of breads, croutons, pastas, etc....oatmeal is OK because it is a slower absorbing carb, but if you can avoid anything with processed grains or sugars,…
  • I've done p90x, so I'm familiar with the far as your progress goes what are your calorie macros like? What type of food do you typically eat? And how much rest and recovery time do you give yourself? These are some important factors some people overlook. All calories are not created equal, so even if you…
  • Well I completely fell off the wagon after posting this, as far as actually tracking calories/macros go...I stalled completely and wasn't seeing any weight loss so I finally sat down and figured out the macros and calories for everything I have been eating, and realized I was going WAY over my daily caloric intake. Just…
  • The biggest thing I've dealt with since adopting this lifestyle is how completely opposite it is to all the "nutrition" education I have gotten while in school as a Health Promotion major. Everything I basically practice and believe in, and plan to pass on to future clients, goes against all commonly accepted "facts" about…
  • I have two pretty awesome recipes which I just recently discovered! I plan on making them for the family this week and will try to take pics to post. First up: Deviled Eggs w/ Avacado! Super easy to make...just get some hard boiled eggs, scoop out the yolk, put in a bowl with fresh avocado and mash it up, add seasoning,…