

  • Great Job Brother. Those workouts don't play. I remember the first time I did the Plyo workout. I quit 20 minutes into it. The next time I made it 30 minutes and then I finally completed it. If you can keep this motivation up, you will have your weight loss goal accomplished. Look out for my friend request. Let's keep each…
  • Hey There, I completely understand your situation. You might have to sacrifice a little bit of flavor or variations but you can do very well on a limited budget. Here's how I do things when I'm on a budget! Breakfast -eggs (Less than $2/Dozen) -Banana (about $0.50/Banana) -Whole Wheat Bread ( $2.50/20 slices) Total per…
  • I allow a cheat meal once a week. It is just nice to eat something different. I also couple that with my longest workout day and even going light on other foods that day. My main focus is to keep my calorie intake below my calories burned. When I pull that off, I still feel great about the day.