mdwolff Member


  • Hi Ed, I too am a sugarholic so I feel your pain!!! I too never had a weight problem until my 40's and slowly every year a few lbs. gained. Sugar is my big downfall. Have you ever read "The Belly Fat Cure"? It helped me immensely. l'm a female so we have a whole different set of issues(hormones!)if you can get through the…
  • I've never been a fan of "diets" but I must say the Belly Fat Cure is an amazing book! You can get it at Costco for around $10.00 I lost 6 lbs. my first week. The hardest part is giving up sugar and I LOVE sugar. But it really isn't that hard at all. I need to lose 20 lbs. so a 6 lb. loss is pretty good for me. I noticed…
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