I have been vegan but have slipped more into vegetarian mode. I felt so much better when I was vegan! Definitely need to get back into it and need all the support I can get, so I will be joining you!
Thank you so much, this looks like it will be very helpful!!!!!
I've been a vegan for 2.5 years, feel free to add me!
It is really weird!
I love it! In fact my four year old and nine year old nieces love doing it with me. A while back I had gotten them a couple of kids yoga dvds, they'll say they are going to watch a movie and you go into the room and they are doing their yoga movie. Now the nine year old wants one for Christmas that is a little more…
Wonderful suggestions! I would also recommend trying the recipes on It's fat free yet she really seems to balance out her recipes nutritionally.
Feel free to add me!
Great job!!
My best advice is to look ahead and see if the restaurant has an online menu.
Feel free to add me as well! I have been a vegan for over two years now, so if you have any questions feel free to ask!
Very well said!
Very inspirational, great job and keep fighting!
If people ask me I will explain to them why I made this personal choice. Because I am in the health care field I have learned to put a large emphasis on the fact that it is my personal choice, but if they would like any information further I would be happy to help. I have many omnivore clients who get very excited when…
Hi, I'm Sarah. In August of 2010 I was a fast food eating, meat hating carnivore. I literally would get a sandwich and take out the meat, or go to the store and buy milk and eggs just to have them sit in my fridge. So when I started looking into being a vegetarian I learned about veganism and a whole new world opened up to…
I really don't feel like cooking much this year, so I think that I am gonna go with the Tofurkey. However, if you do feel like cooking, I HIGHLY suggest this recipe for a meatless loaf:
Thank you for this post, I have indulged recently in more cheese than I care to admit (and ranch dressing and candy bars) and I know that this is the reason that I have not lost any more weight. It is hard, especially when working three jobs, but I am bound and determined to get back on the wagon!
I'm in! I'm currently at 188.4.
Count me in! CW: 194.2 End of April Goal Weight: 184.2
I have been a vegan for about a year and a half now and absolutely love it! Feel free to add me! I don't update my food diary often because I don't have much time, but I do stay pretty active with exercise!
So on Sunday I did the dvd followed by Biggest Loser Cardio Max. Needless to say I was VERY sore on Monday so I took it easy. Did level 2 again today and then followed it by Cardio Max again, I'm thinking of doing the Cardio Max every other day. Keep it up guys!!
I would also check out, she has wonderful recipes that are usually pretty easy to make and are good for you. Let's put it this way, I have about five different cookbooks at home but most everything that I make ends up coming from her website!
Just did my first day of Level 2, it was a tough one! How is everyone else doing?
I'm finally done with Level 1!!! I am so excited to start Level 2 tomorrow; it just seems like towards the end of each of the levels I get bored and lack motivation to do it. So, here is to not being bored and having tons (or pounds) of motivation!
Just curious because I've seen this on other posts too; how do you know exactly how many calories you have burned? Is there a special device that you use? Thanks!
Ugh, so I didn't get up early enough this morning to do the video. So, I made myself come home during lunch to get it done! Tomorrow is my last day one Level 1; I am excited as well as a little bit scared to move onto Level 2. Everyone seems to be doing a really good job, keep it up!!
Day 5 of Level 1-check!
Level 1 Day 4 is done, seems to be getting easier. Does anyone else feel like they are extremely uncoordinated when it comes to some of the moves?
I did 30 DS before starting ripped, so far it seems to be a wise move!